Homemade pizza is one of our favorite things to make in the "Clay Cave". It's generally pretty easy, feeds plenty, and is a casual way of having fun with friends! It's generally one of our go to meals with family or when entertaining. Tuesday (2-28-12) we had some friends over and made sausage and peperoni pizza and an awesome peperoni roll-up. I absolutely love coming up with my own marinara sauces to use for our pizzas and dipping. Below are some pictures of pizza in the past and in the future expect to see more!

3/1/2012 05:38:02 am

Thanks for having us over! The pizza and roll were great. Hope it works over to have you guys over next week. L8r-

Mitch and Nathana
3/1/2012 11:23:47 am

Thanks! We had a gr8 time too:) We look forward to getting together again!

3/6/2012 10:53:32 am

We love your pizza too! Fun times...

Nathana and Mitch
3/7/2012 12:17:39 am

Thanks! We still really miss hanging out with you guys! It is good to hear from you. :) You are in our thoughts and prayers often.


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