Dear Readers, those of you that are consistent, I am so sorry for my flakiness on posting blog. I thought about blaming it on our crazy past couple months, but excuses are just excuses right? I am not going to make any promise to you that I cannot keep, but I am resolved to continue our conversation on marriage—what can we do to make our marriages stronger and more Christ-centered.

Weddings, root canals, and debt—what in the world could these three things have in common? Well, for one thing, both weddings and root canals can put you in debt. Speaking personally, they summarize our past couple days.

This past Saturday, Mitch had the honor of being a groomsman for some friends of ours. The wedding was beautiful in its simplicity and focus on the couple’s journey and love. We had a blast at the reception. It was fun to see the newly married couple break some dance moves to “Oppa Gangnam Style”. Every couple needs to be able to let loose and shake some tail feathers right? Sadly, not all occasions are so joyous.

Enter root canals . . . I have never had one, thank goodness, but Mitch has not been so fortunate. In fact, he has had two . . . on the same tooth. He had a root canal completed a little over a year ago before we moved. The dentist that did it was, well, old, and very shaky. I could hear Mitch moaning from the waiting room. Long story short, that dentist retired a couple months later and Mitch found out that the root canal was infected after he swelled up like he had an egg in his cheek and came down with a fever on two different occasions. It was frustrating having to pay $850 to have a root canal redone. Yet, we realized that through this experience that God is good and he will provide.

Even though we know that God provides and we are incredibly blessed, we know the Bible tells us to be good stewards of our resources. Managing our money well has always been very important to Mitch and I. Nonetheless, we did walk out of college with some student. We have diligently chipped away on them each month; still, we felt complacency and a lack of purpose seeping into our budget and resolve. But after buying a car and now in the market to buy a house, God woke us up. We were encouraged to really attack our remaining debt through some wise friends and trustworthy advisors. At first it seemed risky, but the more we looked into it we realized we could do it. It won’t always be easy and it will mean turning down some opportunities that are out of our price range. However, we believe the freedom and security it will bring us is worth it. (Please, keep us in your prayers as we seek to be more intentional.)

So, is there a moral to these seemingly unrelated subjects? Why, yes, there is! I believe we are made in God’s image and called to glorify God in all areas of our lives: our marriages, our money, and our challenges, yes even root canals.


1.       What are some challenges that you have been able to glorify God through?

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