As I sit here to write, feeling better than I have felt in days (though still a little weak), I find myself able to overlook the flaws surrounding me. Normally, I would dwell on the need to dust and vacuum or the growing mountain of stewing laundry spilling out of our hamper. However, through the help of God's grace, loyal friendship, caring family, and a loving husband, that is not what I see.

I see my husband's love through the beautiful flowers he bought me when I came home from work sick. His tenderness through the dinners he prepared even when I had no appetite and the sacrifices he made to make sure I was going to feel better (As well as making sure I diligently take my medicine. I am bad about that when I am sick).

I see the love of family that check in with me and provide helpful advice.

I see the love of friends that send me encouragement cards without even knowing I am sick. As well as the friends that when they heard I wasn't feeling well texted me to check in and see how I was doing.

God can take undesirable circumstances to highlight what is really important in life. Thank you to everyone who helped me realize that today!

Is there someone that makes you feel especially loved on bad days? If so, please give that person a shout out!

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